518-745-1177 | 500 Glen St. Glens Falls, NY 12801

In Memoriam

This Pets In Memorium page has been created to honor your animal companions who have passed on. We know how painful it is to lose such a beloved member of your family. By sharing your pets here, we can come to know what special souls they were. And in the knowing, your pets live on. Click here to submit a photo of your pet. Click thumbnails below to enlarge and browse through our in memoriam photo gallery.

We miss our Joey beyond what words can describe

Hey Dr. Haring,

We received the card in the mail from your office a couple days ago and just yesterday I was able to pick Joey up and bring him back home again one last time to be with us for good. The card and the bag with Joey’s ashes along with his footprint was an absolutely unexpected yet perfect touch. I walked our same trail we used to take him on for days after Joey had passed and would find his footprints still frozen in the earth where we had last walked together. I watched them fade as the sun warmed everything around us day by day. Now at least I will always have a print from his hand I used to hold.

At any rate I just wanted to take a moment to thank you and your team for all that you did for Joey (and by default my family) over the last six months. By helping us navigate his difficult situation you helped us give him the best chance and us more time with him that we so desperately wanted and needed. No matter what, there will have never been enough time in the end together, but that’s part of the hard reality we all accept when we bring a dog into our lives. As difficult as his final moments were, it could not have been more peaceful which is just exactly what I prayed for day after day for him. In his final moments I could finally feel his body relax and be at peace, no longer needing to maintain the long hard fight he had continued to push through for so long thanks to your help and for that we are extremely grateful. We feel very lucky to have found you and your office when we did. 

We miss our Joey beyond what words can describe but know at least he is finally back in his final resting place in the stars. And each night we go out as a family with our son, who is just 2 years old but defiantly misses Joey all the same, and look up to say goodnight to Joey. We know for as long as stars are there he will always be with us.

Thank you again for everything,

Zach, Marjorie, and Clarky